View Profile tashpiro
Thank you Newgrounds, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFS7APAApBA



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Joined on 7/24/07

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tashpiro's News

Posted by tashpiro - May 9th, 2009

well i cant really say these things in real life convo's because they are usually just too closed minded and proly be called a retard so ill put them here....1 a week... tell me if you like them, or change your perspective about life =Ð

Note:... i came up with these on my own from real life experiences.. i did not steal them in any way and if they sound familiar then tell me about it not criticize

"The First to say are not the first to Know, only the First to Dare to Teach"

Quotes of my own

Posted by tashpiro - May 7th, 2009

omg this is sooooo halarius

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mmmmm... noooodllessss.... =Ð

Diffrence between love and Lust

Posted by tashpiro - May 7th, 2009

ive never heard any good pickup lines in my life.. any1 got anything good?

Pick-up Lines

Posted by tashpiro - May 6th, 2009

k fulp is a little too trigger happy on banning... im not liking it.... i got banned from the audio portal for trying to put some funny songs up that i know but i guess i should've known.... but now getting banned from reviewing people for 10 days!... all i did was tell this retard off because he put one of those "joke" submissions up and tried to give it a point.. like any1 is gonna even care.

Posted by tashpiro - May 6th, 2009

i have to say stick men are my favorite people because they can do anything and have no face but you can still get a vibe of what they are feeling at the moment because people exaggerate what their point is way too "Strongly" if you will... check this out

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this isnt the original one i saw a few years back... couldnt find it but this was the closest one i could find...

Go to Stickpage.com if you want to play some cool games or just see cool vids about stick people =)

Stick Men

Posted by tashpiro - May 4th, 2009

omfg go to google and type "French Victories" dont hit enter just click I Feel Lucky.....
i found this to be halarius

Posted by tashpiro - April 23rd, 2009

well im banned from putting stuff up there =(

Posted by tashpiro - April 22nd, 2009

WTF! doesn't loop mean you used som1 elses' stuff and therefore shouldnt be held acountable cuz i got banned from the audio portal for putting some ICP up

Posted by tashpiro - April 19th, 2009

wow i had no idea this was blogging.. i asked on these "entries" and a bunch of people "corrected" me on it...

i feel really retarded

oh and if any1 seeing this doesn't know how to blog... just go to your profile and in "News/Web Log" click make a new post and that's how u blog.

if any1 has any ideas about what a noob at newgrounds should know please post somthing here, its mostly for me but there might be some other people out there more of a nub than me =)

Posted by tashpiro - April 18th, 2009

i have no idea how to post a blog... can any1 tell me how?