well i cant really say these things in real life convo's because they are usually just too closed minded and proly be called a retard so ill put them here....1 a week... tell me if you like them, or change your perspective about life =Ð
Note:... i came up with these on my own from real life experiences.. i did not steal them in any way and if they sound familiar then tell me about it not criticize
"The First to say are not the first to Know, only the First to Dare to Teach"
ive got a multitude of self-made quotes myself
maybe a couple just for taste:
apologies are used by those who run from their own ideals when confronted by one who opposes them
breathe today; the air might be gone tomorrow
anything truly precious is worth a lifetime of suffering
i dont always mean what i say or say what i mean but i always mean something
a blind man sees his path only when he is determined to walk it blind
assumption is the precurssor of accusation
this is one of my better ones i feel:
freely accept all things as possible since any who have sought absolute truth have found in their search that the only truth which is absolute is that man will search for it and never find it so long as man has the will to create what he wants, he will create his own truths and deny all others which he finds unfavorable to his own
the only thing certain in life is uncertainty